
Trauer/ Angst vor dem Tod

Trauerbewältigung - pathologische Trauer

Losing a loved one is one of the most terrible things that can happen to you. Basically in all cultures one speaks of a year of mourning and here with us of four phases of mourning.

However, there are people who simply suffer longer and more intensely and cannot find peace. This can still be the case for a few years or decades. It seems to those affected as if the loved one has recently passed away. These sufferers suffer every hour, every day. The thought of looking there is already upsetting.

Why do those affected get stuck in grief? Mostly this is the case when there are still unresolved issues with the deceased. Often the person could not say goodbye or he feels complicit in death. Many open topics should be discussed and clarified in sensitive therapy.

Fear of death, fear of death

Viele schwer Kranke und Sterbende leiden in den letzten Wochen des Lebens intensiver.

Es sind immer wieder die gleichen Ängst, die dabei gefühlt werden:

- Angst vor Schmerzen

- Angst vor dem Prozess des Sterbens

- Angst vor dem Alleinsein beim Sterben

- "ich weiß nicht, was da kommt"

Auch diese Ängste können therapeutisch besprochen und begleitet werden, damit sich Betroffene besser fühlen. Ganz wichtig ist, diesen Themen Raum zu geben.

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