Ägypten - Papyrus Ebers
Die heilige Inquistition bezeichnete jede Art der erfolgreichen Heilkunst als Teufelswerk und verbrannte nicht nur die Schriften auf dem Scheiterhaufen, sondern auch die Menschen, insbesondere Frauen, da sie meinten, sie seien vom Teufel besessen oder trieben im Namen des Teufels Krankheiten aus. Das ist wohl das dunkelste Kapitel der Hypnose in Bezug auf Überlieferung und Tod durch Verbrennen.
The pika-pika breathing is derived from the Hawaian Huna (teaching) and means from tip to tip.
Paracelsus (1493-1541)
Maximilian Hell (1720-1792)
Johann Joseph Gassner (1727-1779)
James Braid (1795-1860)
James Edaile (1808-1859)
Ambroise Auguste Liébeault (1823-1904)
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) is considered the founder of modern neurology and was probably the most famous neurologist of his time from 1870-1893, from whose school well-known neurologists such as Babinski, Gelles de la Tourette, Paul Richter, Meige and others emerged. He used hypnosis for lesions of the nervous system. This enabled him to prove that such paralysis was suggestively made to disappear in a hypnotic trance. Many of his theories have since been contradicted, but Charcrot made hypnosis socially acceptable in scientific circles because of his authority and it was taken seriously as a phenomenon worth investigating.
Hippolyte Marie Bernheim (1840-1919) and The School of Nancy
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist, depth psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis. In 1923 he first elaborated on his theory of the id (drives), the ego (sensible and self-critical thinking - reflection) and the superego (moral authority of the environment).
Emil Coué (1857-1926)
Dave Elman (1900-1967)
Milton Erickson (1901-1980)
My current topic in April / May:
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Anxiety / depression / obsession in children and adolescents
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Thema im Januar:
Fakten des Rauchens
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Erythrophobie/ Angst vor dem Erröten/Warum wird man Rot vor Scham
My currently published topic in February:
Heart health -
How detoxification and a healthy lifestyle help with heart failure
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HypnoERZ - Hypnotherapy ERZgebirge
Mrs. Susann Jordan
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08321 Zschorlau, Saxony
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