Depression / burnout can have many faces and should be treated in good time. Accompany the person concerned to the family doctor. In addition to medication, behavioral therapy measures make sense. A naturopath (psychotherapy) or psychologist is an advantage. Men show different symptoms than women.
What are Signs of Depression?
Men, for example, rush into more work, are easily irritable, become quick-tempered, abusive or tend to be aggressive, such as anger or socially inappropriate behavior. You also tend to use addictive substances (nicotine, alcohol) for sleep disorders, fear of failure, feelings of guilt or insecurities. An increased willingness to take risks can appear.
For example, women become tearful, freeze inwardly, cannot sleep, are restless, fearful, everyday life and children are a burden for them.
Brooding and worrying also play a big role.
Many sufferers feel a great inner emptiness, are unable to be happy or feel other feelings than depression and lack of interest. Nothing is more fun. You don't feel like doing anything.
Show patience and appreciation with the person affected. Remind loved ones that depression is a temporary disease that is well treatable with drug and behavioral therapy. You are not alone with the problem. Every year 4 million people are affected by depression / burnout. Burnout is seen as a preliminary stage of depression.
When your acquaintance withdraws into himself, they may be afraid of being a burden to other people or of being rejected.
Guilt or failure also play a big role, or the person is no longer interested.
Give him attention. Try to mobilize the victim. Build in rituals that provide security in everyday life, such as coffee and cake every day or a tea time together or reading evenings.
Give him small activities that are not overwhelming.
Structure the day and week together. Take small trips. Any kind of activity or movement is good.
Reward the other, for example with a bouquet of flowers, a beautiful potted plant or a prepared meal. Or cook together.
Turn him on to a hobby, even if it's not great fun at first.
Give them support during this time. Remind him of the good and beautiful in life. Do not leave the other alone, be there for them. Listen to the person affected or activate them to express themselves.
Take the victim out into the fresh air; short walks and the sun are good for you. Perhaps a dog, a cat or a bird could also keep them company? Taking responsibility can be helpful. Follow up on what happened before! How about a little gardening together?
Take away everyday burdens so that they don't feel overwhelmed.
Writing a diary can also lead to a positive mood and contribute to head health. Worries, concerns, fears and doubts are put on paper from thoughts. Perhaps then the point of view or the severity of the burden will change ?!
Strengthen the ability to enjoy and lift the positive mood by training bright spots and events and doing things that used to give pleasure and even if they seem so small or inconspicuous at first glance. How about baking cakes together, telling old stories and leafing through the photo album?
A depressive episode usually subsides after about 6-8 months. However, it can take up to a year for around 20%.
If left untreated, depression may return or last longer. Then one speaks of a recurring (recurrent / unipolar) depression, article follows.
Major depression (Major Disorder), a severe depressive episode, creeps in fatigue. To prevent suicide, depression must be treated by a doctor or, if necessary, a specialist.
Classification of depression
According to the international classification system ICD-10, depression is classified as follows
In the American DSM-IV one subdivides into
Major Depression Criteria
Major depression is present when at least two additional secondary symptoms are added to the three known main symptoms of lack of interest, lack of drive and depression.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Spitzner, leading brain researcher on the subject of depression
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Vitamin B-Mangel kann sich negativ auswirken: Es kann zu neurologischen Beschwerden wie Schwindel, Kopfschmerzattacken, Stimmungsschwankungen kommen. Häufig tritt der Vitamin-B-Mangel bei älteren Menschen auf. Die B-Vitamine sollte man im Komplex einnehmen.
Which triggers can promote depression?
A depressive episode can be triggered by stress, personal stressful events over a longer period of time and situations that are overwhelmed by new things: Abrupt changes in one's own biography, the death of a loved one, a change of task and activity, relocation or differences of opinion with relatives and friends can all lead to this.
Many of those affected cannot cope with the consequences of an accident, illness or an unexpected diagnosis. Changes that lie ahead or are completely new in the near future can also put a strain on the mind.
What drugs are there for depression?
If you want an overview of drugs, click on the following link ->
What over-the-counter drugs are there for depression?
Sebastian Kneipp already knew that there is a herb against every disease.
For mild depression, nervous exhaustion, inner restlessness, fears and states of tension, some sufferers resort to phytotherapy, such as St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), valerian (Valeriana officinalis) or passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) and sleeping berries (Ashwagandha) or lavender. Here, St. John's wort has a long start-up time of several weeks.
Depending on the symptoms and mood, there are also many homeopathic complex remedies (drop form, globules) or Schüssler salts (e.g. No. 14: Kalium bromatum - salt of the nervous system).
Another possibility would be to naturally stimulate or improve the tryptophan / seretonin / melatonin balance through over-the-counter products. *
* If you are taking prescription antidepressants, neuroleptics or similar medication, please discuss the over-the-counter products with your doctor. Here, too, there can be unpleasant interactions.
What role do dietary supplements play - are vital substances useful?
A good supply of vital substances must be ensured, especially in the case of depression. The intestinal flora should also be cleaned up. It can also help the body absorb medication better.
The B vitamins in the complex complement each other in the nervous metabolism, contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, the psyche and the immune system, and reduce tiredness and fatigue.
Magnesium is used for relaxation, omega-3 fatty acids are just as important as vitamins C, D3 and K. Coenzyme Q-10 is also valuable to counteract exhaustion, as it stimulates the mitochondria (nuclear power plants of the cell).
Selenium and zinc are significant for the brain metabolism.
Pycnogenol (OPC) reduces oxidative stress, promotes cerebral blood flow, as it can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Folic acid and special amino acids are involved in the formation of neurotransmitters. L-carnitine increases drive. Iron is also an important factor in metabolic processes. *
* Please contact your doctor or alternative practitioner with the appropriate training, as there are fat-soluble (vitamins E, D, K, A) and water-soluble vitamins and there may be interactions with medication.
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Impressions from online training courses
Dr. Edmund Schmidt und Nathalie Schmidt (E.n.s.i.g.n. OHG) bei der Online-Weiterbildung der Firma Pharma Nord zum Thema Vitalstoffe bei Stress, Burn-out, Depressionen. Februar 2021. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
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